At this season of Lent as we focus on spiritual renewal with repentance, prayer, fasting, and works of mercy, the teachings of St John Climacus (c.579-649), commonly known as “John…

Arabic Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

As members of God’s family, we belong to one another, and so we live an active Community Life as Church. Most importantly, we join one another in worship. Our style…

General Consideration Generally speaking, the term ‘tradition’, parádosis in Greek, implies an act of “giving, offering, delivering, and performing charity.”[1] Theologically, it denotes any “teaching or practice transmitted throughout the…

In the Mystery of Repentance we, first, carefully prepare ourselves. We go to the priest to rid ourselves of the garbage we have accumulated to free our souls of the…

“The fear of God, sustained by the consciousness of a sinful life, leads both to repentance for past sins, and to the avoidance, by self-control of future ones.” What is…

“With progress, faith becomes the fear of God” Fr. Dimitru Staniloae Ponder this point––It is important: Faith isn’t born of fear of God. Fear of God develops from faith….

Is it enough to develop self-control? Why do the Church fathers put such emphasis on Faith? Why do Christians see limitations in the Buddhist and Hindu practices of meditation and…