03 '18
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03 '18
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“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them (John 6:56)” His Grace Bishop Robert Rabbat is celebrating at St Joseph Church the Last…
03 '18
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The Parish offers our deepest condolences to the Dagher Family, as sadly Harbeyeh Assaad Dagher passed away. Condolences at St Joseph Church Hall from 5pm until 9 pm on Friday…
03 '18
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PROGRAM FOR EASTER 2018 Great & Holy Monday 26th March, 2018: Office of Bridegroom at 7.00 pm Great & Holy Tuesday 27th March, 2018: Office of Bridegroom at 7.00 pm…
03 '18
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Palm Sunday candles will be on sale from this Sunday the 11th of March at $20 a candle
03 '18
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