With the Blessing of Bishop Robert Rabbat, Melkite Board of Directors, Parish Priest Fr Samir Haddad and Parish Council, this survey is being conducted to jointly decide the future location of our church. This is a historical moment in the life of our church and your input is extremely valuable. When responding please ask yourself, how can this project help our future generations, our kids, youths, and our elderly parents.
The purpose of this survey can be summarised in 3 points:
- How do we overcome current obstacles facing the Fairfield site such as ageing building infrastructure, increasing parking difficulties and lack of space for socially based projects?
- Determine what is the most important project that is needed to be built alongside the church for current and future generations?
- Upon recent announcement in the church that we are in the process of considering building a new church, a number of people have contacted us asking how they can help. Hence, in this point we are capturing how people can potentially be involved in the new project
Complete Survey: Survey is now closed.
Return PDF Survey: To help us in collecting and organising all the results, please put the survey results in the “Survey Response Box” at the entrance of the church. Alternatively, please feel free to “pdf” it and email it to [email protected]
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, which will only take a few minutes. We appreciate your contribution to the Church, by filling out this survey, which will help us guide the future direction Our Church