St Joseph Melkite Catholic Church and Melkite Care have organised for groceries to be delivered directly to your door.

We have spoken to shops who provide fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken, coffee, nuts, beans and deli products (cheese, cold meats ect).

If anyone requires the above the items delivered to their homes or knows anyone who needs them please email Stephanie at [email protected] or call on 0421-064-925.

All payments will come to Melkite Care and we will then pay the stores on your behalf.

If you need any further assistance, please contact us and we will be able to help you over the phone or in person.

We will be contacting all our parishioners, especially the elderly or most vulnerable to make sure you are all okay. If there is anyone that we need to check up on, again, please call either Stephanie (0421-064-925) or Mireille (0481-367-199).

Stay safe during this time, look after yourselves and each other.

God bless you all
Melkite Care Projects
