12 '18
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The 2019 Calendar, issued by the Melkite Catholic Eparchy, is available at St. Joseph Church. Please feel free to acquire a copy for yourself or a friend or a relative….
12 '18
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Sister Rita Haddad is visiting Australia by order of Beirut Melkite Bishop & the approval of our Bishop, for raising money to furnish the complex was build in Kefarkedeh/Jubeil to…
12 '18
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Monday 24th December @ 10:30 pmParamony of the Nativity of Our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.Divine and Holy Liturgy of the Nativity of Our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus…
12 '18
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St Joseph Melkite Catholic Church organising a day trip by bus on the 22nd of December to Silvan for cherry picking.Bus must leave by 8.30 am from the church40 Gillies…